Hi and welcome to my website!
This site serves as an online portfolio of my own artwork, a glimpse at my student’s artwork and a place to sign up for upcoming art classes. You will also find images from recent corporate community art events including the art project that I designed and facilitated for the Coca Cola Corporation’s 125 Year celebration in May 2011.

As a fine artist, my goal is to keep things fresh by constantly experimenting with new methods and a variety of mediums. Be sure to check out my ‘New Works’ gallery to see what I’ve been up to lately.

My goal as an art instructor has always been to help my students love art. Both the creative process and their finished product. On this website you will find many photos of my student’s artwork from Summer Art Camp in Ormond Beach, Fla. and after school classes in Atlanta, Ga. Artwork by various Ladies Night Out groups are represented too. I hope that it’s evident when you view the photos that these are not traditional make-it-and-take-it art projects, rather they are projects that have been thoughtfully conceived by me and proudly executed by my students.As you look into each of the galleries you will see a wide variety of art that I have created through the years. Hopefully my sense of humor and enthusiasm for life is apparant in my artwork.

The cartoon-like sea creatures in a ‘Whim-Sea Life’ were inspired by the many years that I’ve spent in my home state, Florida. The themed collages in ‘Collage A Trois’ started as an experiment in 1992 to see how I could reuse and recycle magazine images and make art. This was before Google image search! Many, many hours of searching through magazines resulted in this collection of fanciful photomontages.

The ‘Think Outside the Sphere’ book is a compilation of my paintings, done over 17 years, as a participating artist in the “Visiting Artist” program in the public school system in greater Atlanta. The 45 minute presentations to children teaching about the important use of highlight and shadow resulted in this fun hands-on book. A simple painted sphere + the children’s wild ideas = crazy, fun paintings.

‘Snob’ wear is a venture that was launched to promote various communities and people who are passionate about their pastimes. You can be a snob about anything these days and now wear the t-shirt to prove it.

I hope that you find this website inspiring and easy to navigate. Be sure to contact me with any questions or comments but please don’t steal my brain juice!

Gretchen Neal

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